the 99%
"You cannot help the poor by destroying the rich. You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong. You cannot bring about prosperity by discouraging thrift. You cannot lift the wage earner up by pulling the wage payer down. You cannot further the brotherhood of man by inciting class hatred. You cannot build character and courage by taking away people's initiative and independence. You cannot help people permanently by doing for them, what they COULD and SHOULD do for themselves."
-Abraham Lincoln
This is from the man who waged a Civil War to abolish slavery in this country...and not that long ago y'all. Some folks are still recovering (mentally).
Think about what a corporation is...a group of stockholders (you and me)run by a bunch of suits (them). If we do not give them money they cannot make us money to fund retirement accounts such as your 401K. FYI...I am a Realtor and not a financial analyst.
Now my Father always told us to put our money in real estate...he liked to be able to walk on his investment. I would like to think we have done OK with this ideaology. Children of the Great Depression were very leary of Wall St. Children on the Great Recression are very angry at Wall St, but Wall St. is made of people just like you and me...the 99%. There will always be the 1%...always.
The moral to this story is have to put your money somewhere, and no one is going to make your money make more money without taking a profit. This is the foundation of our country (along with freedom and stuff). So do not protest against the 1%...they are keeping the machine running. Some are greedy...that is in any business. But in the words of my Mother, no bird flies so high that he does not have to come down. The universe will take care of the greedy always does.
So calm down and go to work. If you can't find the perfect job then take any job. If you can't find any job then make a job. This is America...there is always a way to make more money. Remember that Apple was started in a garage and Microsoft during a recession.
-Abraham Lincoln
This is from the man who waged a Civil War to abolish slavery in this country...and not that long ago y'all. Some folks are still recovering (mentally).
Think about what a corporation is...a group of stockholders (you and me)run by a bunch of suits (them). If we do not give them money they cannot make us money to fund retirement accounts such as your 401K. FYI...I am a Realtor and not a financial analyst.
Now my Father always told us to put our money in real estate...he liked to be able to walk on his investment. I would like to think we have done OK with this ideaology. Children of the Great Depression were very leary of Wall St. Children on the Great Recression are very angry at Wall St, but Wall St. is made of people just like you and me...the 99%. There will always be the 1%...always.
The moral to this story is have to put your money somewhere, and no one is going to make your money make more money without taking a profit. This is the foundation of our country (along with freedom and stuff). So do not protest against the 1%...they are keeping the machine running. Some are greedy...that is in any business. But in the words of my Mother, no bird flies so high that he does not have to come down. The universe will take care of the greedy always does.
So calm down and go to work. If you can't find the perfect job then take any job. If you can't find any job then make a job. This is America...there is always a way to make more money. Remember that Apple was started in a garage and Microsoft during a recession.
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