The gift...

Call it it it the it what you want. Most of us at some time or another in our lives seek out a higher power for inspiration and answers. Typically it will come in the form of "the epiphany"...or what I refer to as the "lightbulb moment".

  While watching a totally mindless TV show it hit me...I am alive and well and have the power to make the changes to get anything I want in this life. The power to inspire others along with me is also within my grasp. I had lost sight temporarily. Hmmmm?

A wise man (or so I thought at the time) once told me to build a brand and why. He told me that only I could be responsible for my success or failure. He expained the difference between hard work and smart work and how they overlap. I had to revisit that conversation.

It is time for me to take this brand to the next level. In what form that will take is still a mystery, but I hope you will all be there for the ride...I assure you it will be loads of fun and very exciting. We all have a gift...use yours today...I am!



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