The Age Thing

I am now 54 years old.  Mother died at 63.  My father is 81 and going strong, so at best I have a 50/50 chance of a few more years.

  Frankly, I never thought I would live this long.  That may be because I was a club kid in NYC  (it was the late '70's) before it turned into a high end Disneyland for the uber rich.  I would tell you more about that time but the memories of it come and go!  Wait for the book.

Today I will share with you a few insights that I have picked up along the way.  I hope this will help you pretty young things that believe you will always stay that way.

- You are going to be betrayed and hurt in life by people you trust.  Don't let it make you bitter...only better.  Move on.

-If you give more than you take from any situation you will always have more than enough.  Yes, this is about the money thing!

-Be kind to those less fortunate than you.  Arrogance only makes you look like a fool.

-Believe in something other than yourself.  You can call it God, Jesus, Allah, Buddha, or Jesse Jones.  It really does not matter as long as it is not a dollar bill.

-None of us are perfect.  If we were we would be called one of the above, except maybe Jesse Jones.

-Things get better with age.  Enjoy the journey and the's a short one. 

-Life is too short to do something everyday (work) that you do not enjoy.  You will never find success in life that way.

-Always put the $$$ sign at the end of any transaction...this is where is belongs.

-You are never too old to re-invent yourself.  Start today.

-Don't be afraid.  Fear is what holds most people back from having the life they want and deserve.

-It is OK to be alone.  Time alone lets you get to know yourself.  Find the time.

-Listen more than you speak.  You will amazed by what you will learn.

-If it sounds too good to be true it is...go the other way.

-There will be no U-haul behind your charitable while you are here.  Otherwise someone else will really enjoy spending your cash!

-Always buy the best of anything that you can afford.  Quality always stands the test of time.

-Respect the old and embrace the new.  This will keep you rooted as well as relevant.

If you agree with all or any of these thoughts you are well on your way.  There is nothing wrong with being a late bloomer.  We all are here to serve a purpose....find yours and go for it!

As always...xx.DT


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