Obviously the above illustration is of Andy Warhol. In my days in NYC I would see Andy almost weekly surrounded by his stunning entourage (his beauties) of celebrities and hangers on. If you have ever read anything about him he fed off other people's fame even though he was quite famous in his on right.  He is credited with the now famous line... "In the future everyone will be famous for fifteen minutes." In later years he was often quoted in interviews as saying he was bored with that line and changed it frequently to fool the fools, as it is so often misquoted.

" As soon as I became a loner in my own mind, that's when I got what you might call a "following."  This is another quote from Andy later in his life from his Studio 54 days. These are the days (or nights) that I remember him from, fright wig and pasty white skin and all.   You may be interested to know that despite the company he kept he did not drink or take drugs and truly enjoyed being alone (in his own words).

Many hold Andy up as an icon. He certainly created iconic images that have become symbols of a place and time in history.  This body of work and his personal history will live on forever through future generations of art historians and dare I say "retro" history buffs.  AGH!

But the message here is not about Andy Warhol. The message is much more simple and he "got it".  As soon as you stop chasing, coveting, worshiping something...from a corner office to a new car or the next contract / commission...that is when they will come.  Be who you are. Expose yourself, flaws and all, for it makes you REAL!   Be the best "real" you can be.  Give all you can to what you have right this minute.  Then the rest will come. Have faith and trust dear readers!

As always....xx.DT


  1. He wanted to paint my Mother-in-law years ago and she declined as she is modest and never liked the lime-light. If only she has acquiesced. I passed him many times on the street and in Studio 54. Those were the days.

    1. Those were indeed the days! I also say him and all the "beautiful" people at 54. It was quite a time to be young and a New Yorker! xxdt

  2. Too bad...she would have been an icon herself!


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