You would be surprised how many people think that all Realtors do is drive people around all day and open doors. Then we pretend to be Monty Hall and play "behind this door is the master spa...look at the lovely tile work!"
If you happen to be with that Realtor I have one word for you....RUN!
Not to call any names BUT... if your agent tells you "my closing coordinator will handle you from here" or "my assistant will be in touch to complete your paperwork and help you get your listing ready" you may want to think twice. While there are many very competent assistants and coordinators, that is not the professional you hired. An agent earns their commission not by opening doors and giving you the tour of the town, but by working for your best fiduciary and legal interests all the way to the closing table, be it a buy, sell, or both.
If you want a door opener there are offices full of them. If you want a pro there are very few. Make sure to do your homework.
One question...if you were on trial for a murder you did not commit would you hire an attorney you found in the yellow pages? If so, I hope you like stripes!
As always....xx.DT
If you happen to be with that Realtor I have one word for you....RUN!
Not to call any names BUT... if your agent tells you "my closing coordinator will handle you from here" or "my assistant will be in touch to complete your paperwork and help you get your listing ready" you may want to think twice. While there are many very competent assistants and coordinators, that is not the professional you hired. An agent earns their commission not by opening doors and giving you the tour of the town, but by working for your best fiduciary and legal interests all the way to the closing table, be it a buy, sell, or both.
If you want a door opener there are offices full of them. If you want a pro there are very few. Make sure to do your homework.
One question...if you were on trial for a murder you did not commit would you hire an attorney you found in the yellow pages? If so, I hope you like stripes!
As always....xx.DT
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