It has been said that the more things change the more they stay the same. There is alot of truth in that statement. Change for the sake is change is foolish and an attempt to seek attention...trendy if you will. Good change is more of an evolution. I prefer to think of it much like the necessary oil change in my old Mercedes wagon (right JB)! Without it we would be sitting still.
And so it is in business. The time has come for a change..a reinvention. Year 2015 is upon us! As a person who has lived several lives, I had no idea I would be here this long quite frankly. So it is by the grace of God, the universe, or whatever you choose to call the entity greater than you that I am still here (for now).
Who knew that a business deal gone sour would lead to a growing (and successful) design business, a business I intentionally walked away from 7 years ago. Who knew I would be called by a childhood friend to do a boutique hotel (The O'Neil) in Kinston NC, a town I once lived in as the design director for a major shirt manufacturer (yet another life). And now the real mind blower. That I would open boutique real estate firm that is coming into it's second year! 2015 also promises a book I am determined to do plus an online shopping experience which is already in the works.
To bring this rambling full circle requires that I give you all a sneak peek of the re-branded DT&CO lifestyle logo. Above is the first ad to break in our local lifestyle magazines...Walter and Midtown. The idea is simple. As opposed to operating as two seperate firms, confusing the consumer as to who we are and what we do, we are going to tie it all up in one easy simple to understand package. I cannot take credit for the entire concept. I will only take credit for getting rid of the orange. When you start to see any trend appear everywhere it's over. The key is knowing when to make the change.
I hope you all will like the new DT&CO lifestyle branding. Various taglines have been thrown around as you can imagine. I will come in towards the end of it all and help narrow it down. In the meantime I will continue reinventing myself...
As always...xx.dt
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