I have a saying, a mantra if you will, that I always repeat to new agents and friends who engage me in conversation past idle chit chat.  It goes something like this.

Poor is a state of mind.  It is a condition that exists between your ears.  Being out of funds is a temporary state that only you have real control over.  If you keep working at something (especially something you love and are good at) the funds will find you.  It's always best to forget about the money and concentrate on the work.  This is when the magic happens.

Many people look at me as if I have just grown two heads before their eyes.  For is a "lightbulb" moment. These are the ones I want around me...they "get it".

There will always be those around you, usually the ones closest to you, that will constantly tell you it can't be done.  I am here to tell you it can.

Where does it start?  With you...and your attitude...when you have nothing...but especially when you have what this world calls everything.  Never's just money.

as always...xx.dt


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