2016....WHAT I AM LOVING!!!

 I no longer make resolutions at my age.  Just the thought of another year can be a bit tiresome unless you look at it with a fresh eye!  A few of the things that have been catching my eye are...

Shades of White....I quite often am called upon to "color" houses for developers as well as homeowners.  Lately I find myself using shades of white as the progression goes from room to room. The effect is quite stunning. One constant is the trim and door color which for me has been Simply White from Benjamin Moore.  I was quite shocked when it was chosen as the color of the year for 2015.

Emerald Green Velvet!...I think this started for me during the summer when a custom sofa was delivered to a client's library covered with a Rose Cumming Silk Velvet in a delish shade of deep green velvet.  I am NOT a green person...never have been...things change...change is good.
Navy blue...from an almost inky black navy to one that borders on a royal blue....always with unlacquered brass with a nice polish.  This must be a reflection of my closet....navy blazers in every variation, fabric, cut, and style.

Old Portraits...love them....old hunt prints...and birds.

Good brown furniture....emphasis on GOOD.

Chinoiserie....always...every room need a touch of chinoiserie and a touch of leopard.  It just does.

And chintz...

All these elements add up to a great layered home.  Layering reflects the personality/vision/personal style of the occupant. I have been in many homes that were perfectly lovely but they seemed artificial...as if purchased in bulk from a furniture showroom.  Speaking of...all pictured items are available now at DT&CO!

What am I so over....

Cheesy painted furniture
"Flash" sales on Instagram (sorry...I still love ya)
Anything faux or trendy (when it hits Target let it go)
"Kitchen table" decorators....tip...Jacquard is NOT a color.
Shall I go on.  I mean this in the nicest possible way y'all!

As always.....xx.dt


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