The Collected Home...A Fresh Approach to Layering

As a lifelong collector, inheritor of collections, and overall lover of "stuff", my little bungalow is beginning to feel a bit heavy and dated.  Being a designer, this is really not in my best interest!  As the old saying goes...the cobbler's children have no shoes!
Just one pair of a large collection of Imari
I know it's time to make a change when my husband and life/business partner of almost 20 years (who has let me have free reign) told me yesterday, "Maybe it is time to lighten things up".  This was my opening!!!  Already I am thinking of creamy grasscloth walls and eliminating alot of collected art that I no longer really "love".  Basically, it's time to edit, rearrange, and get things ready for what my therapist likes to call "the next chapter".  

Jordan at Kravet takes good care of me!

I always start with Benjamin Moore!
This brings to mind so many memories of when my mother did exactly the same thing at about my age now.  Unfortunately, she did not live very long after her purge to enjoy it, but she certainly enjoyed the process. Like mother, I have to have a signature print and the appropriate "smalls".  She always taught me that a well put together room (or ensemble) should have a touch of leopard and a bit of black.  I think Cowtan and Tout Setter Chintz will be the perfect drapery in our tiny den and nothing but shutter's in the sunroom (gasp)!

It's my belief that after we have spent our entire adult lives collecting wonderful things, there comes a time to let go and let others have the pleasure of enjoying them...just like we did..and those before us. Of course, there will be some keepers, such as a few period pieces and my cherished bouillotte lamps!
18th century with original tapestry!
ca. 1820 and in mint condition.
From the Edgar Bronfman Jr. Estate
Tiny, very old, and silver....precious
Love the shade on this one.  Not terrible old...100 years or so...purchased from a New Orleans estate.
Stay tuned for our redo.  It may take awhile as I am quite attached to some things, but recent life changing events have put material possessions in perspective.  It will be easier than I anticipate!  Wish me luck.

As always....xxdt


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