OK...Father's Day was tough.  Not because of a feeling of loss...tears...any feeling of emotion.  Nope.  It was because in life he never had a kind or encouraging word to say to me.  Never a thank you.  Never a "job well done" or "I am so very proud of you". None of that.  That was reserved for my brothers.  

Now that he is deceased he gave me his final blow...disinherited. 

As of today...right now...I am committing myself to adopt a new attitude.  It means I have no blood family because blood would not do to me what has been done...verbally and on paper.

Today I refuse to let toxic people affect my mind, body, or soul.  I declare myself my own without any familial ties.  Actually, it is very freeing!  

I am desperately trying to get back to the positive happy giving person I had become and will be again.  Thanks for enduring this difficult journey with me friends and readers.  Your support has been a lifesaver.

As always....xxdt


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