A new day...
As yesterday's post was all gloom and doom, today let's concentrate on hope for the future. It may take a few more years to save for that starter home, but I am hopeful that we will see appreciation where there has been depreciation, and a return to a stable and profitable market. I stand by the fact that now is certainly a once in a lifetime opportunity to buy low and sell high. My father always taught me that is not what you pay for something, but what you can sell it for. His words of wisdom hold true and apply to the real estate market we are faced with today. So the mantra of today is "buy low...sell high"...just don't try to sell it next week! You may have to wait a few years, and therein lies the rub. We are an impatient society that craves instant gratification. Good things come to those who wait. Until tomorrow my friends!
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