youth and the young

The famous author George Bernard Shaw once said "Youth is wasted on the young"

Age...youth...the passing of youthful beauty (gravity)...all inevitable issues we will all deal with if we are lucky. In youth we have hope, a zealous drive to achieve great things, that burn to break down institutions and build new empires. Some of us (myself included) really wanted to have a glam/fab lifestyle with all the trappings that go with it...parties, baubles, certainly the wardrobe! My dear young friend Walker is walking in my same shoes NYC. I danced with Oscar and Francoise at 54 in those same tuxedo pumps from Lefcourt...killed my feet even then! Good luck dear one.

I left the small Southern town of Ayden NC at age 18 for NYC at the end of the 70's. It was a very glam time, and I found myself from 54 to the Mud Club and everywhere in between. When it came time to grow up I came back my people. Thanks be to God that I did, as many of my old friends did not make it...RIP.

Today's is organic. I never grew up thinking I wanted to be a Realtor/interior decorator (I detest the term "interior designer"). But this is where MY life brought me...naturally and organically. I am still learning how to embrace it and make it work even better, with mentors and a great team of co-workers.

Enjoy your personal journey and let it start today. xx/dt


  1. between studio and mudd club, i'm sure we danced together. or more...

  2. never cease to amaze with your talents. Have you connected with dear Walker yet? I want to see the sketches!

  3. God did you get that right, and I think Walker should start a blog-"the last famous person I had my photograph taken with!" it would be a hit. He is a doll and yes-Youth.


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