this journey called life...

I have learned a very valuable life lesson this week. You can never go backwards...only forward.

This sounds so cliche...I know...really sappy! DT...did you just "get it"?But think about we ever really go back to who, where, or what we were? Not likely, but we do move forward, for better or worse.

I think of friends I have know, places I have lived...and at the time thought "this will never end". All things find their logical conclusions...friends, lovers, places...

Therefore, I make the choice to move forward in a positive motion. I do not know what the journey holds, but I do know that regardless of what comes into my path, I will make the best of it.

So friends...relish the journey, for this is all we are promised. Today is all we have, and tomorrow is only an idea...a thought. Love with all your heart, be a good steward of your resources, and be patient with those less fortunate...xx/DT


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