for the love of wallpaper

DT finds it very tiresome when some know-it-all shelter mag editor makes a declaration that "wallpaper is back!" Really? Where did it go? Any well turned-out home on the planet has always included some form of wallpaper.

I use wallpaper in my own home and in the homes of most of my clients in some variation. Sometimes it is just in a powder room to add that element of surprise...sometimes to give texture in larger spaces. I particularly love grasscloth in hallways and gathering rooms. The hall below is by Nate Berkus.

I particularly love Zuber paper, and have a large Zuber screen that anchors my dining area in my tiny cottage. The room below designed by Michael Smith is a personal favorite...notice how the classic paper works so well with the electic mix of furnishings.

So the next time your designer/decorator tells you that wallpaper is "so over"...just know better. And remember, cheap wallpaper always looks cheap, so save up and buy the best you can and it will stand the test of time. xx/DT


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