give more...take less

My new mantra has been for several months..."If you give more than you take you will always have more than enough". For many of us the question then becomes what is enough? Enough differs for everyone. For you it may be to put food on the table and a roof over your head. For me it may be something entirely different.
The proposition is relative to where we are in life, the advantages and disadvantages we have experienced, and most important...our mindset. I strongly feel that what you put out to "the universe" comes back to you ten fold. Therefore, if you put out negative emotions constantly you will get negative results. If you aim to put out positive emotions, positive results will follow.

I know this sounds simple minded, and many scholars will think "this dude is a nut job and there is no scientific data to support your theory". True...but I can tell you I am living proof and I have seen it work in those around me (both ways).

So try it positive, try to take less and give more. The universe will thank you in ways you cannot imagine.


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