The first day...
When I was just a youngster (yes, there was such a time) some Madison Avenue adman came up with the slogan that "Today is the first day of the rest of your life". And yes...I still remember the jingle (always had a way with jingles). I never really gave it much thought other than to think how obvious and a bit condescending. I mean, of course it is...right?
Now that I think about it, he may have been on to something. I mean, what you do today really effects what could happen tomorrow, and the day after that, and so on and so on.
I am going to do my level best TODAY to remain calm regardless of the circumstance, push forward in a positive manner regardless of the actions of others, and generally concentrate on how my personal actions relate to the situation I am faced with TODAY.
I hope that all of you might try to do the same...what a wonderful world THAT would be! is all we are promised...make it all you can and see what happens as a result. I am!
Now that I think about it, he may have been on to something. I mean, what you do today really effects what could happen tomorrow, and the day after that, and so on and so on.
I am going to do my level best TODAY to remain calm regardless of the circumstance, push forward in a positive manner regardless of the actions of others, and generally concentrate on how my personal actions relate to the situation I am faced with TODAY.
I hope that all of you might try to do the same...what a wonderful world THAT would be! is all we are promised...make it all you can and see what happens as a result. I am!
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