Holy Week

Holy Week begins today.  The season of Lent is almost over!  I know that all my online shopping stores will be glad to have me back.  Whatever you gave up for Lent (if you did), I hope it helped to get your spirit ready for the week ahead.  

Today is Palm Sunday, then we have Maundy Thursday (the day we strip the alter and some faiths wash feet), Good Friday, Holy Saturday, and conclude with Easter Sunday. As a Christian, this is for me the most sacred time of year.  This is not to dismiss other faiths or those that practice no faith.  This is for me...DT. 

My prayer for each of you is that you embrace and celebrate some entity other than the things of this world.  Realize there is a force greater than the things you can see and touch in this dimension.  You may not believe in my God, but believe in something other than a dollar bill.

I am sending you all much love and peace this week (and every week).  You see...for me...every week is Holy Week.

As always...xx.DT


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