What to do?

When you have options it can really take alot of metal time to sort it all out!  You want to make the correct decision and be a good steward of the gift's God has given you.  Such is the case (or curse) with the old building I have owned for almost 20 years in downtown Ayden.

She is a proud place and despite terrible disrepair holds her own in the "Historic Downtown Ayden District".  I suppose at some point someone will come along and want to do something artsy with it, but my inclination is to wait it out for something with perhaps a nobler purpose.  

When I cannot sleep at night all these things torment my mind, and last night was no different.  I thought about setting up a foundation in the name of my parents and using part of the huge space to house that entity. Then the question is to what end?  My thoughts were about what is lacking in that part of the state?   Eastern NC is certainly lovely country but hardly prosperous unless you sell BBQ and anything fried.  The hospitals are doing great and so is the courthouse.  This is not meant as funny....this is the truth.

In the meantime I will contemplate and seek wise counsel on the highest and best use of this albatross...all 10,000 square feet of it!  Perhaps it is time for a family meeting.

As always...xx.DT 


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