I felt it coming....
Then it hit me...as it always does. I have finished my own house (inside and out), and now I need my design "fix" once again. I thought I could leave it behind me when I started in real estate only 6 years ago. This business has been exceptionally good to me, even during the worse downturn since the Great Depression. In six short years I have been able to become a top producer in one of the best markets in the US (Google it). I could still just keep selling and listing properties, building my firm, and be happy that it has been so successful and well received...but that's not me.
So I have decided on a compromise. I am going to take one of the private offices in my space, rack it out with all my samples, books, etc. from all my trade vendors and make it my design studio. I already have in place all the workmen I would ever need for any job (large or small), some of which have been with me for decades. This will be a win-win situation for clients that need anything from a lamp to a full renovation!
So stay tuned for updates on DT&CO....the only real estate firm in the Triangle with a true design studio!
These are just some random pics of the office from my I-phone. The agents are always surprised because it is always changing! The only thing we don't change is our level of service to our clients.
As always....xx.DT
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