Give up to Get...

As a young person I used to hear the phrase "you have to give up to get".  Never really understanding quite what this meant, I nonetheless put the thought away until one day I had the "light bulb" moment.  There are times in life that we must let go of people or situations, even family, that hold us back from reaching our full potential.  This can be really hard!

Over the holidays this year I had to give up on a very strained situation with my immediate family.  I won't sugar coat has been tough.  The bottom line is this, if you know in your soul that your motivations are pure, yet the offending party has dubious motivations which you have no control over, then you must let go.  If those you love come back so be it.  If not, you must wish them well and move forward.  Karma.

One must dismiss negative people from your sphere at all costs.  Drama begets drama in all cases and at any cost.  In the this case it came with a price tag.  I hope it was worth it.

As always...xx.DT


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