The Unexpected Reading

 I feel so close to all you dear readers that I felt compelled to share this amazing experience from yesterday.   

If any of you follow me on FB or know me in person you know it has been a very trying few weeks.  I am in the final stages of opening a new venture (very exciting) and closing out the fiscal year for several other business (never fun).  Many thanks to Aubrey, who is a gift from above.

Let me back up just a second.  I have been working with the same spiritualist for the last 30 plus years.  Hazel is a member of the Cassadaga Spiritualist Colony in Florida, the oldest in the US.  Our connection goes back to our first meeting in her home when I was a mere 22 years old.  Taken there by a friend, we had an immediate connection that transcended this dimension we all know and live in called the physical.  It was in a word...transforming.

I sometimes will go 10 years without contacting Hazel.  Other times I will speak with her several times a year.  You see,  if you listen to "the voice" in your head...stop spinning long enough to listen, you will know when those in spirit need to let you know something important.  I had no idea when I started my day yesterday that at 4:14 pm I would make a call to Hazel.  Funny thing, Hazel had just found my card in a stack of papers a week ago and had an odd feeling.

It was a very long reading.  Some are not.  You cannot force a reading, it must be spontaneous to be truly helpful to you and authentic.  I needed to know certain things concerning family and business issues that those in spirit desperately wanted get a message to me about.  Therefore the voice...the call...the reading.

You must know that Hazel is NOT a medium, she is a spiritualist.  She has refused to read for me in the past when she sees very bad things ahead.  Once I flew Hazel to NC to read for me (20 years ago) at great expense.  Once here, she would not read for me, as she only saw hardships in my future.  Within the next 3 years I experienced the death of my Mother, Grandmother, a favorite aunt, the breakup of a 13 year relationship, the closing of two successful multi-million dollar businesses, and became a broke recluse at the age of 37.  Only by the grace of God and with the help of a handful of friends was I able to re-invent my life and rise from nothing to where I am today (whatever that is).

The point of this post is this....listen to the voice.  We all have the power, we just have to stop and listen.  You may think this is a bunch of crazy talk, but I can assure you there is another dimension that is very real and right beside you at this very moment.  Very few people are intuitive enough to contact it, and children are especially able to do so due to their total innocence.  Make believe friends are just one example.  Also, do not confuse this with faith in your chosen God.  They are totally entwined... yet different.  It takes a great faith on both ends of the spectrum.

 Have a great life and know that it does not end here.  We all have so much to look forward to!  And if you call Hazel make sure to have plenty of tissues may need them.

As always...xx.DT


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