The Moon and Stars

I have long held the belief that the universe definitely has a rhythm that cannot be ignored, that some people are more in tune with it than others, and it all plays into our spiritual journey in this earthly dimension.  Deep right?

Working with the same spiritualist or spirit guide for over 30 years, I can tell you there is another dimension that is very real and present around us.   About 6 weeks ago I had "a feeling".
 Typically this indicates a major life shift of some sort.  My spiritualist, Hazel. will not reveal to me anything tragic in nature, but will give me a signal....a warning to be on guard. Such was the reading a few weeks back.

                "CHANGE" by Steven Steinberg   
This brings me to the horoscope.  One day last week I went to my desk, opened my computer, and there on the screen is a page from an astrology site I have never visited before.  I read my horoscope for the month.  Sure enough I am in the midst of two major was on the 15th concerning health.  Checking my
appointment book , that very evening my throat "closed up" during the night.  The other eclipse started yesterday and concerned business.  Right on time it was a crazy day from the start...mostly great stuff.  This morning more great news on a soon to be announced new project that is way out of the DT box (I am about to bust to tell you).  

To top this off, my daily devotional played right into this same thought process.  Basically the universe, God, the moon and the stars are all telling me to get ready for a change.  I am told it is going to be all good....better than I could ever imagine.  My reply...bring it...I'm ready!

I guess the moral to this post is this....keep your mind and your heart open to new opportunities and new ways of seeing yourself in relation to the world around you.   The universe is waiting.

As always.....xx.DT


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