Mothers Day....#5

Just like clockwork, every mother's day would always include a bottle of Chanel #5.  It was her signature fragrance for many years.  Some years it would include the bath powder and other items in a huge box.  Some years it was just the large bottle of fragrance tucked in with other goodies.  Regardless...she always expected the Chanel bottle.
Occasionally when I am flipping through a magazine I run across a Chanel #5 ad with the flip out thingy.  The one that smells when you open it (typically annoying).  I rip it out and put it by my desk.  Once in a while I will catch the scent....

Smells carry memories.  Our sense of smell is typically the last to go of all our senses.  Perhaps there is a reason for this.

Happy Mother's Day.

As always...xx.DT


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