This is obviously from a very old advertisement from Tiffany & Co., which is why I keep a personal shopper on speed dial to send out gifts for every and any occasion, particularly births and weddings.

Reading this brings to mind a special moment of my personal childhood.  I distinctly remember the day Mother brought home my first personalized cards with matching envelopes (so fancy) from Crane and Co.  I was then instructed to sit at her little desk (with the little brass lamp in my office today) for a lesson on writing a proper thank you note.  It seems this is a lost art!  If Mother's are never taught to do this in this digital age then how are we to expect their children to adopt this time honored tradition?  Above, I have included a link to the Crane and Co. excuses!  Remember, simple is always better and it is never too early to instill good manners.
Even the President sends thank you notes!

Frankly it is a shame...a sin!  Nothing...and I mean a few lines handwritten and mailed.  A text? Sorry...that may work for 10 year old girls but for DT send me a card.  It only takes a moment but the effect may last a lifetime!  Thanks for all the cards!  I keep them all on a cork board in my office to remember you all and your thoughtfulness.

And thanks to Tiffany for your wonderful customer service. The Atlas Collection is always one of my "go-to" gifts.  An "extra" way of saying thank you!

As always...xx.DT


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