A tale of two couples

I have to say, the first time homebuyer is my personal favorite. It is so rewarding to actually start someone on the path to building personal wealth through home ownership. What? Person wealth? Yes, if you proceed the way past generations have and do not use the equity you are building as a teller machine, over time your investment will certainly out perform the stock market and any other investments, unless you name is Warren Buffet (he still lives in his first house by the way, a modest ranch).

A quick story...a tale of two couples. Bud and Evan were college boys that lived in a rental a few doors down from us in University Park. The boys started dating two lovely (and smart) young ladies. Evan and Erin married first, with Bud and Jill soon behind them. Both rented homes (from me), and after the first year called and said "we are ready". I put them both in homes 2 doors down from each other. Today they both have a child, one a boy and one a girl, and remain best friends. I often joke with them that all I could not do for them to start their new lives was deliver the babies!

It is that easy friends. A good job, save a little money, and buy the house. This is why I am in the real estate business. I made much more money as an interior designer, but never really felt that I was helping people. Stories like this make it all worthwhile...how many pairs of shoes can you wear anyway!


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