11 days and counting!

11 days and counting...bless y'all that are parents!

Last night "da hubby" and I walked through the mall...you heard me...the mall! This is something we do every year at some point during the holiday season. We enjoy seeing the manic hoards of people rushing around searching for the right thing (or anything) to complete their list.

My feeling about gifts is this...it is not always the value of the gift that is important, but the thought behind it. A well chosen personal gift is far more appreciated than just another piece of junk stuck in a gift bag. Quite frankly, most of us do not need a thing!

I love this idea I found recently...cookies that spell Joy! Just a simple sugar cookie creatively done and wrapped with style. What a clever gift!

So go to the mall if you must (kids), but otherwise be a bit more creative. If you need a tip go to Just Ask DT on FB...




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