Love Letter...
As Realtors, or should I say as a good Realtor, we are primarily focused on helping people...single, married, families, old, young, and in between....make a major life change.
At DT&CO we are also making some changes to assist us while helping you (the client) make your change. I have a quick story to tell you...many of you know I am full of these...stories that is!
About 7 months ago my Broker in Charge, a dear friend and my "go-to" in this business, suggested it was time for me to think about hiring a licensed assistant. I mean really...even DT cannot do everything without the right help! She even had a person for me to think about.. Ms. Aubrey Palmer.
I had seen Aubrey around the office. She was always very soft spoken almost to the point of being shy. I knew nothing of her skill set, what her goals where....nothing. This was because I was too busy to pay attention. My bad. Lesson...always pay attention to those around you and never be too busy to stop and have a conversation with someone new.
Long story short (this is so difficult for me...the talker)....Aubrey started with me as an agent and assistant in January of this year. My files and my life are now completely organized like never before. Realtors...don't even think about doing anything crazy like trying to hire her away from me! I will fight you tooth and nail.
Last week Aubrey came to me with something on her mind. We discussed how she wanted to move forward with the brand. She is now the Transaction Coordinator for DT&CO (this is a big responsibility). Along with this title comes more work and we all know what comes with more work!
Congrats to Aubrey for her rising to the challenge, helping to build the brand from the inside out (the hardest part), and being loyal and trustworthy. I predict a long and prosperous future for her at DT&CO.
I would be remiss if I did not also take this opportunity to thank the Allen Tate Co. for all the support along the way. Building a brand is no easy feat, and Mr. Tate has made our job so much easier by paving the way for all 1600 agents in our firm.
A great firm, a hard working team with knowledge and skill, and now the lady behind the scenes making sure it all gets pulled together as one singular brand.
At DT&CO we are also making some changes to assist us while helping you (the client) make your change. I have a quick story to tell you...many of you know I am full of these...stories that is!
About 7 months ago my Broker in Charge, a dear friend and my "go-to" in this business, suggested it was time for me to think about hiring a licensed assistant. I mean really...even DT cannot do everything without the right help! She even had a person for me to think about.. Ms. Aubrey Palmer.
I had seen Aubrey around the office. She was always very soft spoken almost to the point of being shy. I knew nothing of her skill set, what her goals where....nothing. This was because I was too busy to pay attention. My bad. Lesson...always pay attention to those around you and never be too busy to stop and have a conversation with someone new.
Long story short (this is so difficult for me...the talker)....Aubrey started with me as an agent and assistant in January of this year. My files and my life are now completely organized like never before. Realtors...don't even think about doing anything crazy like trying to hire her away from me! I will fight you tooth and nail.
Last week Aubrey came to me with something on her mind. We discussed how she wanted to move forward with the brand. She is now the Transaction Coordinator for DT&CO (this is a big responsibility). Along with this title comes more work and we all know what comes with more work!
Congrats to Aubrey for her rising to the challenge, helping to build the brand from the inside out (the hardest part), and being loyal and trustworthy. I predict a long and prosperous future for her at DT&CO.
I would be remiss if I did not also take this opportunity to thank the Allen Tate Co. for all the support along the way. Building a brand is no easy feat, and Mr. Tate has made our job so much easier by paving the way for all 1600 agents in our firm.
A great firm, a hard working team with knowledge and skill, and now the lady behind the scenes making sure it all gets pulled together as one singular brand.
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