Return of the bar cart

Growing up in Eastern North Carolina, my ever stylish and teetotaling Mother had a lovely brass bar cart that held empty crystal decanters with all the accessories one would need to make a mean Martini.  Although there were never "spirits" in our house (except for the occasional bottle of Champagne), she was nonetheless prepared in the event of "special company"...which I think we had once...and she served wine from the grocery store.

I find it quite amusing that the current generation of tastemakers have embraced the bar cart as the must have home accessory of the season.  I am seeing them everywhere in shelter magazines and online.


Never one to keep a stocked bar in view (another throwback to childhood), I have always preferred to set up a bar on the sideboard on an "as needed" basis.  Otherwise I would never get any work done (too busy making cocktails)!

Today I thought I would start the week off with a reminder of the weekend.  So put on your best hostess gown and roll out the bar cart this evening for the cocktail hour...your significant other will be quite impressed by the gesture!

PS:  I have two vintage ones in storage if you need 1967 faux bamboo brass and glass.



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