DIY/ Just ask DT

I admit it...I would rather write the check that do a chore myself.  Not because I think I am too good to do chores, just the opposite, I think I am not good enough!  About the only thing I am good at around the house is delegating and perhaps a little gardening.  I envy my friends who can handle any repair with relative ease and enjoyment.

What is even funnier to me is that I have a column on Facebook call Just ask DT.  I provide a tip of the day that I research thoroughly before posting.  My of my readers will comment on how effective the tip is and how they intend to use it in their daily routine.

Above is the link to the group and I would love to have you join if you like.  Folks from Germany to Brasil are members and love their "tips of the day"!

Now that the holidays are upon us the tips will certainly have a holiday to care for the tree, how to string and store lights, how to make fresh greens last longer, etc.  I must say this is my favorite time of day, as I typically post the tip prior to seven am.   Many friends on the east coast wake up to the tip, and many have remarked how they look forward to starting their day with "their" tip!

So join us if you if like...we would love to have you!



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