Moving Thanksgiving!
If you are anything like me (Type A) it has been a super busy week and no let up in sight. Regardless of all the pressures of business, let's all try to concentrate on being thankful and celebrating the good things we have in common with our family and friends. In the USA we have a day we set aside just for this purpose...Thanksgiving Day.
I would encourage everyone to use this day to really give thanks. This should not be a day to stand in line for a discounted TV....there will be plenty of great deals to go around. Also, could you wait a week before putting up your Christmas lights? Thanks!
As Southerners, statistics show that we start planning this feast at least 2 weeks in advance and spend an average of 2 days cooking and preparing. After all...we are the best cooks in the USA!
Cook...visit...relax...take a nap. This is how I will be giving thanks! Try it and get back to me.
I would encourage everyone to use this day to really give thanks. This should not be a day to stand in line for a discounted TV....there will be plenty of great deals to go around. Also, could you wait a week before putting up your Christmas lights? Thanks!
As Southerners, statistics show that we start planning this feast at least 2 weeks in advance and spend an average of 2 days cooking and preparing. After all...we are the best cooks in the USA!
Cook...visit...relax...take a nap. This is how I will be giving thanks! Try it and get back to me.
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