
Personally I am partial to boxwood wreaths....period.  I add a bit of red ribbon and on occasion one extra "something" to the wreath on the front door... just to add a bit of extra color or sparkle.  It all depends on my mood that year.  Hey, we all have our moods right?  

Wreaths are the easiest way to bring live greens into your home.  Not only is it not a huge cost commitment, but even if you use an artificial tree you will have just a bit of the fragrance we associate with the holidays. Fragrance is frowned on in my cottage due to da hubby's sensitive nose, so boxwood is perfect for me.    

Whether you use boxwood, fir, magnolia, or a combination of all of these, wreaths can give you an excellent opportunity to be a bit creative!  Add fresh fruit, ornaments, feathers, bells, bows, ribbon...basically anything you can think of!  

Go ahead and treat your wreath as a blank canvas and create something that says YOU!  It's easy...and if you don't like it just start over.  Wreaths are very forgiving! 

One last tip.  I have noticed that many people hang wreaths only on the outside of their windows.  Why not hang them on the interior of the windows so you may enjoy them instead of your neighbors?  Think about it.

As always....xx.DT 


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