Why is it we always seem to gravitate towards a window seat? Is it an inherent physical need for sunlight? I believe it is because they are so stinking cute! A window seat takes us back to childhood nooks and crannies...like hide and seek for grown-ups.
Many people without the "creative gene" think..."there is no bay window so I can't do a window seat." NOT SO QUICK! It is so easy to create a window seat almost anywhere in an any room. There is one requirement...a window...or maybe not!
How can I do this DT? Easy...built-ins, a good carpenter, and a great soft furnishings workroom (right Ralph Townes)? I love them in a kitchen, a playroom, a bedroom, a dining space, certainly a reading room (library to those of you who can devote a room to books), and even a bathroom!
I thought today I would show you some of my favs from my Pinterest boards. FYI...my latest renovation collaboration will feature a window seat in at least one important room. That is all I will say for now!
Take a seat by the window. Enjoy the view, read, snack, but best of all relax!
As always...xx.DT
The corner window seat is my favorite - what a breakfast nook!