crazy (and hot) days days of summer are upon us

Yesterday my faithful vintage Mercedes wagon had a temp of 111 degrees in the shade...THE SHADE!

So today's post will be short and cool. Stay indoors if you can (I can't...closings), stay cool (true Southereners don't sweat, we glisten), stay hydrated, (unsweet iced tea, 2 splendas), and pride does not get hot or cold (never let them see you "glisten").

The last saying was once told to me as a young man by a true steel magnolia. She was off to NYC to her grandchild's christening. She asked me to secure a suitlable black suit and white blouse for her to wear. The only thing in town available was just in for early Fall from Oscar in a light wool crepe. Perfect fit! I exclaimed "Ms. Webb you will roast in the city in wool in August!" She replied, " Dear, pride does not get hot nor cold."

I will carry that one to the grave! Stay cool...xx/DT


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