Style..Fashion...and the dreaded "c" word

“"Style" is an expression of individualism mixed with charisma. Fashion is something that comes after style.”
John Fairchild quotes
Mr. Fairchild was a very stylish guy, and was the editor and arbitor of style at Womens Wear Daily for many years. He knew style and fashion. You never heard him use the c-word.

I must tell you...I cringe when I hear the c-word...that's right...classy. What a vulgar term, and what does it really mean? Does it mean the person or object it is directed towards has great style, the latest fashion, great manners? It is an ambiguous term used by the masses towards the classes. An old friend (now deceased) always advised me to "sell to the masses and eat with the classes". He had a tie company called "Another Shitty Tie"....his kickname was Shitty Smith...and a grand fellow.

Please know dear readers that when you say someone is a "classy guy or gal" you are doing them no favor. It is much more appropriate to say "I admire their style" or "he/she has a great sense of fashion". When I hear the term classy I immediately think of the Real Housewives of New Jersey! Now that Teresa is classy (with a capital K)!

This post is not meant to reprimand or to come off as high handed...simply to educate. Great style does not come with a price tag...and as Americans living in a free society, the class system is ancient history. So the next time the c-word is on the tip of your tongue, stop and consider... is this how I want to express myself?



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