Timeless Qualities
Things of quality have no fear of time. I don't know who to attribute this line to, but it certainly speaks volumes! Personally I enjoy quality things, but I enjoy being around quality people even more. A fine timepiece, a lovely antique, a well constructed home are all things of quality. These things will stand the test of time.
Quality people also stand the test of time. This has nothing to do with money or status, but everything to do with morals, ethics, and character. Strive to be a person of quality...whether you flip burgers or own the bank. Have no fear of time...time will be the truest test of quality.
As always...xx.DT
Quality people also stand the test of time. This has nothing to do with money or status, but everything to do with morals, ethics, and character. Strive to be a person of quality...whether you flip burgers or own the bank. Have no fear of time...time will be the truest test of quality.
As always...xx.DT