The Basics....

These are my may have seen them before.  I am re-posting them more for myself than anyone.  Hopefully you will find a tidbit or two for yourself.
  - You are going to be betrayed and hurt in life by people you trust.  Don't let it make you bitter...only better.  Move on.

-If you give more than you take from any situation you will always have more than enough.  Yes, this is about the money thing!

-Be kind to those less fortunate than you.  Arrogance only makes you look like a fool.

-Believe in something other than yourself.  You can call it God, Jesus, Allah, Buddha, or Jesse Jones.  It really does not matter as long as it is not a dollar bill.

-None of us are perfect.  If we were we would be called one of the above, except maybe Jesse Jones.

-Things get better with age.  Enjoy the journey and the's a short one. 

-Life is too short to do something everyday (work) that you do not enjoy.  You will never find success in life that way.

-Always put the $$$ sign at the end of any transaction...this is where is belongs.

-You are never too old to re-invent yourself.  Start today.

-Don't be afraid.  Fear is what holds most people back from having the life they want and deserve.

-It is OK to be alone.  Time alone lets you get to know yourself.  Find the time.

-Listen more than you speak.  You will amazed by what you will learn.

-If it sounds too good to be true it is...go the other way.

-There will be no U-haul behind your charitable while you are here.  Otherwise someone else will really enjoy spending your cash!

-Always buy the best of anything that you can afford.  Quality always stands the test of time.

-Respect the old and embrace the new.  This will keep you rooted as well as relevant.

I have no idea why I included this picture of Carrie Donovan.  She has been on my mind alot lately.  HMMM?

As always...xx.DT


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