It snowed! Anyone need a muff?

Since days of old, ladies of a certain means employed a particular accessory in their wardrobes called a muff.  These would have been seen in a variety of fabrics with all types of trims, embroideries, made to match certain ensembles, and even rendered in fur or with fur trim.  

Obviously the muff was for the lady who had everything done for her, as when she was using it for warmth (or decorative effect) both hands were completely hidden and therefore useless.  Opening a door was a faux pas, and forget about offering a handshake like today's modern business lady! 

The muff has gone the way of the Model T...obsolete and useless...a comical reminder of the past.  The thing is this, wouldn't it be great to have one to slide both hands into while walking down Madison from shop to shop?  Hint:  always walk DOWN's an UES version of a hill. Warm hands and a place to stash your brilliant!  

I would personally LOVE to see a pretty young thing carrying a modern interpretation of the muff, especially on these snowy days!  Perhaps take Granny's old mink and design your own.

Stay warm my friends.

As always...xx.DT


  1. I remember having a white rabbit muff when i was a child. it was great to keep your hands warm. but only on special occasions.

  2. When I was a little girl, I had a muff made of white rabbit fur. Loved it...

  3. Oh but you do have a "Muff" --------- your sleeve peke called Rosie! As you probably know, the Emperor and Empress of China carried sleeve pekes for warmth it their huge sleeves!
    I am addicted to Pekingese too ...... my Pekingese girls , Moi Moi and Coco send G'day Barks to Rosie from Australia :)


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